The British Conservative Government’s Political Elite, and Post WWII Co-operation with Europe: Crisis of Confidence in British Politics, and the 2016 Referendum on Disrupting the Status quo!

The British Conservative Government’s Political Elite, and Post WWII Co-operation with Europe: Crisis of Confidence in British Politics, and the 2016 Referendum on Disrupting the Status quo!

MacMillan was realistic and took the middle ground. Moreover, the Suez Crisis was a lesson that MacMillan took notice of; in other words the transatlantic relationship must be based on consultation and trust.

As Britain’s relation with Europe nonetheless, eventually grew closer than at any time before, by being an active member of the EEC, then EU. The third policy of Macmillan, though not during his Premiership, has eventually succeeded. First was the decolonisation and the establishment of the Modern Commonwealth, second the “special relationship” with the USA, and thirdly the entry into the EEC.  It could be said that the foundations, laid in 1945-63 stood the test of time, until recently.

The British Conservative party’s political elite, considering their party as the ‘natural party’ of the United Kingdom, as has been seen in this article, innovated the idea of a federal Europe, mentioned by Winston Churchill, both during, and  after the Second World War. Thus, forwarded the United Kingdom into European, affairs, and co-operation. The British Conservative political elite considered that, British interests could best be maintained, when there is a close co-operation with Europe.  Therefore, having close relations with Europe became one of the pillars of British foreign policy. Why, then now the Conservative Government in 2016, decided to pull out of the European Union membership, or put the issue into referendum? Although the British Conservative Party has no structural, and organisational link with any institution, as the British Labour party does with the trade unions, and in particular, the British Trade Union Congress, however, it does enjoy for example the support of the industries, and the profit-making institutions like the banks, and insurance companies in the UK. It is worth mentioning however that, all the main political parties in the UK do have close co-operations with the centres of trade, finance, and industries, in the United Kingdom. Simply, due to the fact that, their approach, is to maintain, and support British interests. This in turn means having close co-operation with the European Union.  Parties, such as the Labour party, the Liberal-Democratic party, let alone the Conservative party which is the core supporter of British interests.

The balance of payment deficit in Britain, has remained unsolved. In the 1970s Britain was faced with energy crisis. On the other hand, social welfare expenses has brought extra burden for British economy, ever since the economic crisis began its growth, in the 70s, particularly during the Labour administrations of Wilson- Callaghan.

Additionally, in the 80s in the height of Cold War, Britain was grappling with defence expenses. Thus, she began to put a curb on social welfare spending, which has been continuing well into the 21st century, until now, 2018-19. On top of all that mentioned above, since the end of Cold War in 1991, Britain has been in sharp competitions with the fact speeding growth of globalised economy. Britain is facing with new problems such as immigration within  the  European  Union, and  new  rules,  and  regulations  from  the European Union  which are not meeting British economic interests,  and also are contrary to British economy growth.

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