British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

of America in the Persian Gulf. Direct rule, in the
American view, in an area as strategically crucial as the Persian
Gulf with its huge oil reserves could potentially lead to
confrontation with the Soviet Union. The United States’ attitude
towards Iran was:

It is of
crucial importance to the United States that Iran remain an
independent nation. Because of its key strategic position, and oil
resources, loss of Iran would be: (a). A major threat to the
security of the entire Middle East, as well as Pakistan and India.
(b). Damage the United States’ prestige in nearby countries and with
the exception of Turkey and possibly Pakistan, seriously weaken if
not destroy, their will to resist communist pressures. (c). Have
serious psychological impact elsewhere in the free world.4

According to the British
Ambassador in Teheran, Sir Roger


Government of the United States is of the opinion that it would
be in the interest of Iran and of the whole free world for Iran to
have armed forces which not only would be able effectively to assist
in maintaining internal order but also would be capable of engaging
in defensive action in case Iran should be attacked.5

  • 4. Y. ALEXANDER and A. NANES
    The United States and Iran: A, (Maryland: University
    Publications of America, 1980),

    pp. 265-266.

  • 5. PRO, London, PREM 11/725,
    The Correspondence and Papers of the, Sir Roger Stevens, the
    British Ambassador in Teheran, to the Foreign Office, Top Secret,
    19th March 1954.

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