British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.


Primary Sources

  1. The Public Record Office,

    CAB 118, The Private Office
    Papers of Clement Attlee.

    CAB 130, The
    Private Office Papers of Winston Churchill – Minister
    of Defence.

    CAB 128, Cabinet Minutes,
    Conclusions and Memoranda, 1945-1958 CAB
    129, Cabinet Papers, 1945-1958.

    CAB 134/1143-9, Records of the
    Persia Committees, 1951-1954. DEFE
    4-5, The Minutes and Memoranda of the Chiefs of Staff Committee,

    FO 248, The General Political
    Correspondence of the Foreign Office,
    in the British Embassy and Consular Archive: Iran (Persia),

    FO 371, The General Political
    Correspondence of the Foreign Office,

    FO 800/750-851, The Private
    Office Papers of Sir Anthony Eden. FO
    800/434-522, The Private Office Papers of Ernest Bevin.

    FO 800/628-661, The Private
    Office Papers of Herbert Morrison. FO
    800/663-690, The Private Office Papers of Harold Macmillan. FO
    800/691-746, The Private Office Papers of John Selwyn-Lloyd. FO 954,
    The Private Office Papers of Sir Anthony Eden.

    PREM 3, The Correspondence and
    Papers of the Prime Minister’s
    Office: Winston Churchill – Minister of Defence.

    PREM 8, The Correspondence and
    Papers of the Prime Minister’s
    Office: Clement Attlee – Prime Minister.

    PREM 11, The Correspondence
    and Papers of the Prime Minister’s
    Office: Winston Churchill – Prime Minister.

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