British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

PREY 11,
The Correspondence and Papers of the Prime Minister’s
Office: 1948-1958.

T 234-247, The Treasury
Papers on the Nationalisation of the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, and HM Government’s Financial and Economic
Policy on the Crisis.

  • Individual Manuscript Collections

    The Avon
    Papers, Personal and Private Papers of Sir Anthony Eden,
    Birmingham University Archive.

  • Official Papers

    Parliament, Hansard,
    Parliamentary Debates, 1948-1954.

    Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the
    United States 1952-1954, Vol.

    IX: The Near and Middle
    East Part I and Part II. (Washington DC,
    annual), held at the archive of the University of Wales, at
    Aberystwyth. Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign
    Relations of the United States 1955-1957, Vol.

    X: Foreign Aid and Economic
    Defense Policy. (Washington DC, annual),
    held at the archive of the University of Wales, at Aberystwyth.

  • The Archive of the Times
    Newspaper, London Secondary Sources

  • Newspapers

    The Daily
    Express The Daily Mirror The Guardian

    The New York Times The Times

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