British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

The Wall Street
Journal The Washington Post


The Economist
International Affairs

Cumulative Index to the Journal of
Contemporary History The Journal of
American History

The Journal of Contemporary British History

The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

Politics and International
Relations: A Catalogue of Doctoral Dissertations
The New Statesman and Nation

The Spectator Articles

ADAMTHWAITE, A., ‘Britain and the
world, 1945-9: The view from the Foreign
Office’, London: International Affairs, 61 (2), Spring 1985

‘Britain in the Indian Ocean’,
London: International Affairs, 42 (2), April 1966, London: pp.

‘Petroleum battle’. New York: Wall Street Journal, April
7, 1951.

‘British decolonisation since 1945: a pattern or a puzzle?’
London,, XII (2), January 1984,

PP. 165-86.

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