British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.

British Diplomatic Oil Crisis: Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Geopolitical Rivalries in the Persian Gulf: Drawing a Lesson? Or Sir Anthony Eden‘s Delusion of Grandeur.



IN 1951

The aim of
this chapter and the next one is to examine how the Conservative
Party, which came to power after the fall of the Labour Government in
October 1951, dealt with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s crisis.

The Conservative Party
traditionally and conspicuously supported standing
for the British Empire and its expansion. It was the Conservative Government
that brought the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s crisis to a settlement by 1954.
The Conservative Party took office on 25th October 1951 with Churchill as
Prime Minister presiding over the crisis. Churchill was overtly a defender
of British imperial power and believed in taking firm action against those
who challenged British power and interests. This example will illustrate:
Churchill once said in the 1930s about India’s independence that, ‘the
Indians would never be fit to govern themselves, and that in any case to
give them independence would undermine the whole of the British Empire.’
1 On another occasion, regarding India’s
independence, Churchill commented: ‘you will depress the British heartbeat
all over the globe.’
2 First, studies will be made about the Conservative
Party’s attitude towards colonialism.

The Conservative Party

proclaims the
necessity for capital-labour co-operation and the end of
restrictive practices both between employers and among employees. It is the
party of social mobility. ‘Quality and not equality’ and ‘opportunity rather
than security’ are two of its slogans.3

  1. F. LONGFORD, Eleven at
    No. 10
    , (London: Harrap, 1984), p.

  2. Ibid.

  3. S.E. FINER, Comparative Government,
    (Middlesex: Penguin,
    1970), p. 104.

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