The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)

The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)


43- A.
N. PORTER and A. J. STOCKWELL, British Imperial Policy
and Decolonization, 1938-64. Volume 1, 1938-52,
(London: McMillan,

1987), p.293.

44- ibid. , p. 295.

  1. ibid.

  2. A.
    SCHLAIN, P. JONES and K. SAINSBURY, British Foreign
    Secretaries since 1945, (Newton-Abbot: David
    & Charles, 1977), p. 48.

47- ibid. , p. 38.

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