The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)

The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)


African Union, which was the principal African political organisation, was
banned and Jomo Kenyatta was
sentenced to ten years’ impisonment for his part
in the leadership of the revolt.

During the period that Oliver Lyttelton was colonial Secretary, in 1954,
provision was made for
African and Asians (Asian settlers in Kenya) to be
appointed as minister. In 1956, when Alan Lennox-Boyd
was colonial Secretary.
announcement came that African members would be elected to the
Legislative Council. African representation was doubled in 1958 in response to
the demands of
a future Minister of Justice, Tom Mboya, and his supporters. It
was increased again in 1960. In 1960 and
1961 deliberations in London, under
the guidance of Iain MacLeod, the then Colonial Secretary, resulted
in the
introduction of a constitution which allowed the Africans of Kenya to dominate
elections to the Legislative Council. At the same time it had been agreed
that more educational
facilities, homes, Highland villages and light industries
should be made available for the native
Kenyans. This added to the scheme,
inaugurated in 1954, under which the native farmers of Kenya were
encouraged to exchange scattered holdings for compact fenced farms, on which
they could keep
their animals and experiment with new crops and modern

However, as Kenya was a racially mixed society, there were substantial
problems as a result of all
these reforms. There was strong resentment among the
Europeans because they saw these developments as
threats to their best educated
and most enterprising minority, although a major effort took place by the
to bring about racial co-operation in Kenya. There were also problems among the
Kenyans themselves. Divided into a National Union, representing the
strongest tribes (Kikuyo and Luo) and
a Democratic Union of the minor tribes,
seeking respectively unitary government and federation for Kenya,
they were
faced for a time with the fragmentation of their country on the eve of

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