The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)

The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)


32-R.RHODES-JAMES (ed.), op. cit.,

  1. ibid.

  2. ibid.

  3. ibid.

  4. CHURCHILL to Eisenhower, 5 April 1953, PREM 11/1074 (PRO), in
    D.DIMBLEBY and D.REYNOLDS, op. cit.,

37- ibid., p.204.

38- ibid., pp.213-214.

39- ibid., p.180.

40-ibid., p.204.

  1. D.DDIBLEBY, BBC1 Interview with General Andrew Goodpaster
    [Eisenhower’s Staff Secretary and
    closest foreign policy aide], 25.5.1988.

  2. D.MCLEAN, op. cit.,

43-H .MACMILLAN, op. cit., p.118.


45- ibid., pp118-119.

46- ibid., p.119.

  1. ibid.

  2. ibid

  3. ibid.

50- ibid., p.477.

  1. CP(57) 6 , 5 Jan. 1957, CAB 129/84 (PRO), in D.DIMBLEBY and
    D.REYNOLDS, op.cit., p.220.

  2. FO 371/97592, AU
    1051/12 (PRO), in D.DIMBLEBY and
    D.REYNOLDS, op. cit.,p.223.

speech in: N.MANSBERGH (ed.), Documents and
speeches on Commonwealth Affairs 1952-1962. (London: issued
the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford
University Press, 1963),

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