The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)

The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)


Commonwealth nations have been increasingly going their own way.
Nevertheless, Britain still needs to
establish herself more in Europe and express
interest in the European affairs as a European power, so that
she could gain the
confidence of the continent, as this is due to the fact that in the past, Britain
to distance herself from Europe which resulted in Europe and Britain having hard
and suspicious
feelings towards one another. Once Britain’s position has become
established in Europe, she could always
revive the old ties with the
Commonwealth. As has been said, in the nineteenth century, Britain
traded outside the Empire, and the traders were even happier with a minimum
British sphere
of influence. In the present, such minimum presence exists as each
country is independent, nevertheless,
still holding the old ties, by various aids and
development programmes from Britain to the Commonwealth
nations, and that
they see benefit in keeping the old ties and regular meetings continue in
conferences. It is the very looseness of the ties which holds the
Commonwealth together.

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