The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)

The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)


Munitions in 1917. By the outbreak of the First World War, Churchill was one
of the four most influential
members of the Cabinet along with Asquith, Lloyd-
George and Grey. In the next Election of 1922, he lost his
seat in Parliament. In
1924 Churchill reappeared in Parliament as a Conservative and as the
of the Exchequer until 1929. Throughout the following decade as a result of his
conviction that India would never be fit to govern itself, Churchill
vigorously opposed the National
Government over India. Churchill’s belief was
also that, should India receive its independence, the
British Empire would be
under-mined, which in the end caused bin to resign from the Shadow Cabinet
the fall of Baldwin’s Government in 1929. This was a result of his strong
advocacy of unpopular policies,
and being out of tune with his own party even
over other issues, such as his passionate pleas for British
rearmament which were
viewed as ridiculous and alarmist, and over the King’s abdication.
Churchill was out of office for ten years and many people thought that, at the age
sixty-five, his Ministerial concern was over.

had it not been for the outbreak of the Second World War, which
therefore made his warning of the German
aggression justified and lifted his
reputation to a higher point than ever before, Churchill would never have
Britain as a Prime Minister. In due course during the War, however, because of
the economic crisis
that the War had inflicted on Britain and due to India’s
reluctance to send more men to fight the
Japanese, as a result of her demand for
independence Churchill in 1942 reluctantly sent the Simon Commission
discuss preparation for granting of full nationhood with the Indian leaders.
Churchill’s War
efforts which led to the survival of Britain and of Western
freedom have made him the greatest Englishman of
the twentieth century. He is
often compared with the greatest world figures in history, all as a result of
years out of ninety.

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