The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)
organization, pressures arising from the discontent of the masses who are
governed, from the passions by
which they are swayed, exert a certain amount of
influence on the policies of the ruling, the political
class. We shall deal with this
at a later stage.
The real
superiority of the concept of the ruling, or political, class lies in
the fact that the varying structure of
ruling classes has a preponderant importance
in determining the political type and also the level of
civilization, of the different
peoples. According to an alternative manner of classifying forms of
that is still used, Turkey and Russia were both, up until the the twentieth century
monarchies, Britain and Italy were constitutional, or limited,
monarchies, and France and the United States
were classed as republics. This
classification was based on the fact that, in the first two countries
headship in the state was hereditary and the chief was nominally omnipotent; in
the second
two, his office is hereditary but his powers and prerogatives are
limited; in the last two he is elected.
However, this kind of classification could be
seen as not profound and, one could say, over-simplified.
Absolutisms though
they were, there was little in common between the manners in which Russia and
were managed politically, the levels of civilization in the two countries
and the organization of their
ruling classes being vastly different. In the same
way, the pre World War Two regime in Italy, a monarchy,
was much more similar
to the regime in France, a republic, than to the regime in Britain, also a
while there are clearly important differences between the political organizations
of the
United States and France, though both countries are republics.
classification that we have talked about (which divides governments
into absolute monarchies, limited
monarchies and republics) was worked out by
Montesquieu. It was aimed to replace Aristotle’s classical
categorizing in which
he divided governments into monarchies, aristocracies and democracies.
to Aristotle democracy was simply an aristocracy of fairly broad
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