The British Imperial Establishment, Post Imperial Era, and the ‘Churchillian’ World View, 1945-2016. (Adjustments & Challenges in Contemporary British Diplomatic Strategy)
Other Pressures on the British Empire 78
Imperial Defence 78
British Power 83
Financial Pressures on the British Empire 86 86
Impacts of the Two World Wars on the British Empire 92
American Anti-Colonialism and the Decolonisation of the British Empire
The Political Elite’s Strategies for protecting British Power and Interests in the Process of Decolonisation
The Organization of the United Kingdom Central Government: the Policy Making Machinery
107 -
The Labour Political Elite and Protecting British Power and Interests in the Decolonisation Process
Conservative Political Elite and Protecting British Power and Interests in the Decolonisation Process
Defence Policy for the Modern Commonwealth: the Anglo-American “Special Nuclear Relationship”
149 -
British application to Join the European Economic Community
Conclusion 169
Appendix 187
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