نخبگان سياسی بریتانیا، ایران یک سرمایه استراتژیک حیاتی و خلیج فارس: یک عصر جدید؟

نخبگان سياسی بریتانیا، ایران یک سرمایه استراتژیک حیاتی و خلیج فارس: یک عصر جدید؟

پاورقی ها:

  1. S.E. FINER, Comparative Government, (Middlesex: Penguin, 1998), p.104.
  2. M.BELOFF and G. Peele, the Government of the United Kingdom, (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990), p.145.
  3. Ibid.
  4. A delegate to the 1949 Conservative Conference: Conference Report, p.53 in D. GOLDSWORTHY, Colonial Issues in British Politics, 1945-1961, (London: Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1981). P.167.
  5. L.D.EPSTEIN, British Politics in the Suez Crisis, (London: Pall Mall Press, 1994), p.20.
  6. 1950 Conservative Conference Report, pp. 30-33, in D. GOLDSWORTHY, op.cit., p.168.
  7. Ibid.
  8. F.LONGFORD, Eleven at No.10, (London: Harrap, 1994), p.48.
  9. Ibid.
  10. L.A. MONK, Britain 1945-1970, (London: G.Bell & Sons Ltd., 1986), p.100.
  11. K.G.MORGAN, Labour in Power 1945-51, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), p.229.
  12. Ibid.
  13. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, Persian Oil: A Study in Power Politics, (London: Lawrance and Wishard Ltd., 1955), p.258.
  14. PRO, London, FO371/91555, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, about a discussion that took place between Clement Attlee, Anthony Eden and Winston Churchill on 27th June, 1951, regarding the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company.
  15. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit, p.270.
  16. B.LAPPING, End of Empire, p.264.
  17. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit., p.270.
  18. Ibid., p.271.
  19. Ibid.
  20. Ibid., pp.271-272.
  21. J.A.BILL and W.R.LOUIS, Musaddiq, Iranian Nationalisation and Oil, (London: I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd., 1988), p.272.
  22. Ibid.
  23. Ibid., p. 187.
  24. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit., pp. 272-273.
  25. Ibid.
  26. PRO, London, CAB 128/23 cc (51) Conclusions, Minute 7, 8th November, 1951, p.28.
  27. J.A.Bill and W.R.LOUIS,op. cit., p.244.
  28. Ibid., p.245.
  29. A.EDEN, Full Circle, (London: Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1960), p.248.
  30. B.LAPPING, op. cit., pp.264-265.
  31. L.P. ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit., p.264.
  32. D.N.WILBER, Iran Past and Present, (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1985), p.115.
  33. B.LAPPING, op. cit., pp.265.
  34. D.N. WILBER, op. cit., p.115.
  35. PRO, London, CAB 129/48c(51) 45 Memorandum of Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, on the International Bank’s proposal< Secret, 17th December 1951, p.1.
  36. PRO, London, T236/3663, Treasury Records, Cabinet Persia (official) Committee, Minutes of Meeting of the Committee held in Sir Roger Makins’ room, Foreign Ofiice, Secret, 9th April 1952, p.3.
  37. PRO, London, CAB 129/48 c (51) 46 Memorandum by Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, on the International Bank’s proposal, Secret, 17th December 1951,p.1.
  38. PRO, London, T236/3663, Treasury Records, Cabinet Persia (official) Committee, Minutes of Meeting of th Committee held in Sir Roger Makins’ room, Foreign Office, Secret, 9th April, 1952, p.1.
  39. PRO, London, CAB 129/38 c (51) 46 Memorandom by Anthony Eden, the Foregn Secretary, on the International Bank’s proposal, Secret, 17th December 1951, pp.1-2.
  40. Ibid.
  41. PRO. London, T236/3663, Treasury Records, Cabinet Persia (Official) Committee, Minutes of Meeting of the Committee held in Sir Roger Makin’s room, Foreign Office, Secret, 9th April, 1951, p.1.
  42. Department of State: Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, (Washington DC., Annual), 1952-54, Vol. IX, p.175, the Near and Middle East, Eden to the International Bank’s Rpresentative.
  43. PRO, London, CAB 128/24 cc(51), 18th Conclusions, Minute 4, p.160.
  44. J.A.BILL and W.R.LOUIS, op. cit, p.245.
  45. Ibid.
  46. F.VENN, Oil Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century, (London: Macmillan, 1986), p.116.
  47. A.P.DOBSON, The Politics of the Anglo- American Economic Special Relationship 1940-1987, (Brighton: Wheatshea Books, 1998), p.143.
  48. Ibid.
  49. PRO, London, CAB 129/54, C (52) 285, Memorandum on Middleton’s, British Charge d’ Affaires, conversation with the Iranian Prime Minister, Dr. Musaddiqm Secret, 19th August, 1952, p.1.
  50. PRO, London, CAB 128/25, cc(52) 74th Conclusions, Minute 6, p.81.
  51. Ibid.
  52. L.P. ELWELL- SUTTON, op.cit., p.282.
  53. Ibid.
  54. PRO, London, CAB 129/ 54, C(52) 295, Memorandum of Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, on Musaddiq’s reply to the Anglo – American proposal to solve ALOC’s dispute, Secret, 10th September 1952, p.1.
  55. L.P. ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit., pp.284- 285.
  56. M.A. HEISS, The United States, Great Britainm, and Iranian Oil, 1950-1954, Ph.D. Thesis, the Ohio State University, 1991, p.246.
  57. Ibid., p.287.
  58. J.A.BILL and W.R. LOUIS, op. cit., Chapters 6.7.10.
  59. Ibid.
  60. Ibid., Chapters
  61. A.P.DOBSON, op. cit., p.143.
  62. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, op.cit., p.298.
  63. Ibid., p.295.
  64. Ibid.
  65. Ibid.
  66. قبل از آنكه انگلستان به فكر عملیات نظامی بیافتد، كه راجع به آن صحبت شده است.
  67. PRO, London, T236/ 3664, Treasury Records, Cabinet Persia (official) Committee, Exports to Persia, Note by the Board of Trade, Secret, 21st July, 1952, p.1.
  68. L.P. ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit., p.302.
  69. Ibid.
  70. S.STRANGE, Sterling and British Policy, (London: Oxford University Press, 1991), p.107.
  71. PRO, London, FO371/91472, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, report from the British Embassym Tehran to the Foreign Office, on Musaddiq, Confidential, 15th November, 1951.
  72. PRO, London, FO371/91463, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, by Sir William Strang, Permanent Under – Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, on Musaddiq’s position, 8th September 1951.
  73. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, op. cit., p.311.
  74. Ibid.
  75. Ibid., p.313.
  76. R.RHODES- JAMES, Anthony Eden, (London: Macmillan, 1998), p.360.
  77. B. LAPPING, op. cit., pp. 271-272.
  78. S. STRANGE, op. cit., p.275.
  79. J.W.YOUNG (Ed.) The Foreign Policy of churchill’s Peacetime Administration 1951-1955, (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1998). P.165.
  80. PRO,London, FO 371/911462, The General Correspondence of the Foreign Office, by Sir William Strang, Permanent Under – Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, on Persian political situation, 21st August, 1951.
  81. PRO, London, FO371/911462, The General Correspondence of the Foreign Office, By E.A. Berthoud, Assit. Under- Secretary at the British Embassy in Tehran, Persia, Secret, 19th June, 1951.
  82. PRO. London, T236/3663, Treasury Records, Cabinet Persia (Official Committee, Foreign Office, Secret, 9th April 1952, p.1.
  83. B. LAPPING, op. cit., p.272.
  84. L.A. MONK. Op. cit., p.100.
  85. PRO, London, FO371/ 91548/ EP1531/ 674, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Minute by Berthoud, 15th June 1951.
  86. PRO, London, FO371/98701, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Minute by Berthoud, 13th October 1952.
  87. PRO. London, FO371/ 91548/ EP1531/ 674.
  88. Ibid.
  89. C.ANDREW, The Making of the British Intelligence Community, (London: Sceptre Books, 2000).
  90. J.A. BILL and W.R.LOUIS, op. cit., p.250.
  91. Ibid., p.251.
  92. B. LAPPING, op. cit., p.270.
  93. Ibid., p.271.
  94. J.A.BILL and W.R.LOUIS, op. cit., p.283.
  95. Ibid., p.251.
  96. W.S.CHURCHILL, Vol. 1.p.253.
  97. Ibid.
  98. B.LAPPING, op. cit., p.269.
  99. J.A. BILL and W.R.LOUIS, op. cit., p.254.
  100. A.EDEN, Full Circle, (London: Cassell, 1960), p.214.
  101. The Times, 20 August, 1953, London.
  102. The Spectator, 21st August, 1953, London.
  103. PRO, London, CAB 128/26 pt 2cc (53) 20th Conclusions, Minute 4, p.103.
  104. PRO, London, FO248/1545, The General Correspondence of the Foreign Office, The British Embassy and Consular Archive Iran (Persia), Secret, Memorandum on British policy towards Persia, p.1.
  105. The Observer, 8th November, 1953.
  106. PRO, London, FO800/814, The General Correspoindence of the Foreign Office, Selwyn- Lloyd to Churchill on Persian Oil, Confidential, 5th May, 1853.
  107. L.P.ELWELL- SUTTON, op, cit., p.314.
  108. Ibid.
  109. J.MARLOW, The Persian Gulf in the Twentieth Century, (London: The Cresset Press, 1982), Chapters 10, 12.
  110. Parliamentary Debate, Commons, Vol.526, Co., 796, 12th April, 1954.
  111. PRO, London, FO371/114805, The General Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Sir Roger Stevens, Brtish Ambassador in Tehran to Sir Anthony Eden, The Foreign Secretary, Confidential, 4th June, 1955, p.3.
  112. Ibid.
  113. PRO, London, FO 371/ 11076, The General Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Persia, Brief for Lords Reading.
  114. Ibid.
  115. The Times, 6th August, 1954.
  116. The Guardian, 6th August, 1954.
  117. PRO,London, FO371/110075, The General Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Anglo- Iranian Oil Company report to the stockholders, by Sir William Fraser, Chairman of the Company, Secret, October, 1954.
  118. F. FESHARAKI, Development of the Iranian Oil Industry: International and Domestic Aspects, (London: Praeger Publishers, 1976), Chapter 3.
  119. PRO, London, CAB 128/27 pt 2 cc (54) 56th Conclusions, Minute 7, p.6.
  120. Ibid.
  121. PRO, London, CAB 128/27 pt 2 cc (54) 55th Conclusions, Minute 6, p.8.
  122. PRO, London, T236/3664, Treasory Records Cabinet, Persia (Official) Committee, Control of Persia’s use of sterling with all countries outside the sterling area. Note by the joint secretaries, confidential, 20th May, 1952.
  123. PRO, London, T236, 3664, Treasury Records, Cabinet, Persia (official) Committee, Exports to Persia. Note by the Board of Trade, Secret, 21st July, 1952.
  124. Parliamentary Debate, Commons.
  125. L.A. MONK, op. cit., p.100.
  126. J.D. ANTHONY, The Persian Gulf in Regional and International Politics. (New York. St. Martins’s Press, 2003). P.240.
  127. Ibid., p.242.
  128. آرشیو دفتر مطالعات سیاسی و بین المللی وزارت امور خارجه
  129. پیشین
  130. PRO, London, CAB 129/84 cp (57) 5th January, 1957.

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