نخبگان سياسی بریتانیا، ایران یک سرمایه استراتژیک حیاتی و خلیج فارس: یک عصر جدید؟

نخبگان سياسی بریتانیا، ایران یک سرمایه استراتژیک حیاتی و خلیج فارس: یک عصر جدید؟

پاورقی ها:

  1. PRO. London, CAB 129, 66c (54) 53, Middle East: Anglo- American Policy, letter to Foreign office on Policy in the Middle East. From Sir Roger Makins, the British Ambassador to Washington. Top Sector, 25th January, 1954.
  2. B. Burrow, Footnotes in the Sand: The Persian Gulf in Transition 1953-1958, London: Michael Russell, 1999, p.135.
  3. D. YerGin, Shattered Peace. The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State, London: Penguin Books, 2000, p.269.
  4. Y. Alexander and A. Names (eds.), The United States and Iran: A Documentary History, Maryland University Publications of America, 1999, pp.205-206.
  5. PRO. London, Prem 11/725, The Correspondence and Papers of the Prime Minister’s Office, Sir Roger Stevens, The British Ambassador in Tehran, the Foreign Office, Top Secret, 19th March, 1954.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Y. Alexander and A.Nanes, op.cit., p.275.
  8. C.A. Kuchan, The Persian Golf and the West: The Dilemas of Security, London: Allen Unwin, 1997, p.34.
  9. Department of State: Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Washington DC., Annual, 1955. 57, Vol.x.p.7, Foreign Aid and Economic Deferse Policy.
  10. Ibid., p.116.
  11. A.P.Dobson, The Politics of the Anglo – American Economic Special Relationship 1940-1987, Brighton, Wheatsheaf Books, 1999, p.144.
  12. Ibid.
  13. PRO, London, CAB 129/81 CP(56) 122, Memoradum by Foreign Secretary, Selwyn- Lloyd on Protecting British Interests in the Persian Gulf, Secret, 14th may, 1956.
  14. PRO. London. Fo371/ 125071, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Sir Roger Stevens, British Ambassdor to leheran, to the British Foreign Secretary, Selwyn- Lloyd, Secret, 8th, December, 1956.
  15. Ibid.
  16. Ibid.
  17. R. Pearce, (ed.) Patrick Gordon – Walker’s, Political Diaries, 1932- 1971, London: The Historian Press, 1991, Chapter 6.
  18. Ibid.
  19. PRO. London. CAB 129/84 cp.(57) 5th January, 1957.
  20. PRO. London. CAB 129/84 Memorandum by the British Foreign Secretary, Selwyn – Lloyd on Protecting British Interests in the Persian Gulf, 5th January, 1957.
  21. P.Calvocoressi, World Politis Since 1945, London: Longman, 2000, p.193.
  22. Ibid.
  23. Ibid.
  24. PRO. London. Fo 371/ 125071, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Sir Roger Stevens, British Ambassador to Tehran, to the British Foreign Secretary, Selwyn- Lloyd, Secret, 8th December, 1956.
  25. B. Crick, Basic Concepts for Political Education, (London: Hutchinson, 2000), p.53.
  26. V. Albertini, Decolonisation, (London: African Publishing Co.2001), p.34.
  27. Ibid.
  28. Ibid.
  29. M. Leifer, Constrains and Adjustments in British Foreign Policy, (London: George Allen Unwin, 1992), p.192.
  30. Ibid., 204.
  31. Ibid.
  32. مصاحبه دیوید دیمبلبی، با جك كلویل در شبكه 1 تلویزیون بی بی سی, BBC، 11 May 1998.
  33. R.Rhodes- James (ed.) Churchill Speaks: Winston S. Churchill in Peace and War, Collected Speeches, 1897-1968, (New York: Windward, 1984), p.880.
  34. Churchill to Eisenhower, 5 April, 1953, Prem 11/1074 (PRO), London.
  35. Ibid.
  36. Ibid.
  37. D. Reynoldes, An Ocean Apart, (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1998), p.204.
  38. Ibid., pp. 213-214.
  39. Ibid., p.180.
  40. Ibid., p.204.
  41. مصاحبه دیوید دیمبلبی با ژنرال آندروكادپستر، رئیس دفتر آیزنهاور و مشاور نزدیك وی در سیاست خارجی در شبكه 1 تلویزیون بی بی سی, BBC، 27 April 1998.
  42. D. Mclean, British Foreign Policy Since Suez 1956-1968, (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1987), pp. 138-139.
  43. H. Macmillan, Pointing the way, 1951-61, (London: Macmillan, 1982), p.118.
  44. Ibid., p.119.
  45. Ibid.
  46. Ibid.
  47. Ibid., p.477.
  48. PRO. London (57) 6.5th Jan, 1957, CAB 129/84.

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