نخبگان سياسی بریتانیا، ایران یک سرمایه استراتژیک حیاتی و خلیج فارس: یک عصر جدید؟

نخبگان سياسی بریتانیا، ایران یک سرمایه استراتژیک حیاتی و خلیج فارس: یک عصر جدید؟

پاورقی ها:

  1. V.ALBERTINI, Decolonisation, (London: Africana Publication, 1992), p.115.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.,p.213.
  5. Ibid.
  6. S.E.FINER, Comparative Government, (Middlesex: Penguin, 1990), p.165.
  7. Ibid.
  8. A.SCHLAIM,p. JONES and K.SAINSBURY, British Foreign Secretaries Since 1945, (Newton Aboot: David & Charles, 1998), p.38.
  9. M.BARRAT- BROWN, After Imperialism, (London: Heinemann, 1993), p.294.
  10. Ibid.
  11. B.PORTER, The Lion’s Share, (London: Longman, 1994), p.314.
  12. Ibid.
  13. PRO, London, T236/3656, Treasury Records, Cabinet, Persian oil, Economic Sanction Against Persia, Secret, 8th may, 1951, p.1.
  14. M.A. HESS, The United States, Great Britain, and Iranian Oil, 1950-1954, Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, 1991, p.96.
  15. Ibid.
  16. PRO, London, 1236/3656, Treasury Records, Cabinet, Persian Oil, Economic Sanction against Persia, Secret, 8th May, 1951, p.1.
  17. PRO, London, CAB129/47 CP (51) 257, Memorandum by Herbert Morrison on the dispute with Persia, Secret, 26th September 1951, p.7.
  18. Ibid.
  19. Ibid.
  20. J.CABLE, Intervention at Abadan: Plan Buccaneer, (London: Macmillan, 1998), p.94.
  21. PRO, London, FO371/91555, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, note of a meeting between Attlee and Churchill, 27th June 1951.
  22. PRO, London, FO248/15275, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, the British Embassy and Consular Sections: Iran (Persia), Treasury Chambers, 7th June, 1951.
  23. PRO. London. CAB 129/47 CP (51) 257, Memorandum by Herbert Morrison on the dispute with Persia; Secret 26th September 1951, p.8.
  24. Ibid.
  25. Ibid.
  26. Ibid.
  27. Ibid.
  28. Ibid.
  29. Ibid.
  30. W.R. LOUIS, The British Empire in the Middle East: 1945-1951, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), p.678.
  31. PRO, London, CAB 129/47 CP (51) 257, Memorandum by Herbert Morrison on the dispute with Persia, Secret, 26th September 1951, p.9.
  32. Ibid.
  33. M.A.HEISS, op. cit., p.136.
  34. PRO, London, T236/3657, Treasury Records, Cabinet, Persian Oil, Action consequent upon the withdrawal of the Stokes’ mission, Secret 22nd August 1951, p.4.
  35. PRO, London, CAB 129/47 CP (51) 257, Memorandum by Herbert Morrison on the dispute with Persia, Secret, 26th September 1951, p.10.
  36. Ibid., p.11.
  37. PRO, London, CAB 128/20, CM 60(51), Cabinet Minutes, 27th September 1951.
  38. H.ENAYAT, British Public Opinion and the Persian Oil Crisis from 1951 to 1954, M.S. Econ. Thesis, University of London 1958, p.91.
  39. A.W. FORD, The Anglo- Iranian Oil Dispute of 1951-1952: A Study in the Role of Law in the Relations of the States, (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1994), p. 124.
  40. PRO, London, CAB 128/20, Cm 60 (51), Cabinet Records, 17th September 1951.
  41. Ibid.
  42. PRO, London, FO 800/653, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, Sir P. Nicholas, to Secretary of State, Top Secret, 28 the September 1951.
  43. Ibid.
  44. PRO, London, FO 371/ 98593, The General Political Correspondence of the Foreign Office, George Middleton to Sir Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, Report on events in Persia in 951, Confidential, 24th March 1952.
  45. W.R. Louis, op cit, p.689.
  46. A.W.FORD, op. cit, p.129.
  47. L.P. ELWELL- SUTTON, Persian Oil: A STUDY IN POWER POLITICS, (London: Lawrance and Wishart Ltd., 1995), p.261.
  48. Ibid.
  49. Ibid.
  50. A.W. FORD, op. cit., pp. 124-53.
  51. The Economist Atlas, The shap of The World Today, Published by the Economist Books, Hutchinson, 1989, London, p.384.
  52. John Duke Anthony, The Persian Gulf in Regional and International Politics, (New York St. Martin’s Press, 2003), 183.
  53. Ibid, p.192.
  54. Ibid.

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